Healthy Texas Mothers & Babies

Communication Campaign Formative Research, Texas Department of State Health Services and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission


HEMMY Professional Campaign Award
Promising Practice Designation
  • In-Depth Interviews
  • National Review
  • Program Documentation
  • Presentation of Findings
  • Focus Groups
  • Message Testing
  • Women's Health
  • Preconception Women's Health
  • Interconception Women's Health
  • High-Risk Pregnancies
  • Infant Health and Safety
  • Preconception Women
  • Interconception Women
  • Community Stakeholders
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Fathers
  • Spanish Speakers
The Challenge
Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) understand the importance of effective communication when it comes to complex topics such as women’s health. The research is intended to inform a statewide campaign to increase awareness of modifiable risk factors and disparities that impact maternal health, infant mortality, and preterm birth, with particular attention focused on the preconception health of men and women of childbearing age.
The Research
SUMA conducted research in the communities of Dallas, San Antonio, Tyler, Amarillo, Beaumont, and Laredo, all of which have active Health Texas Mothers & Babies (HTMB) coalitions. Our research team held focus groups with preconception women, interconception women, women who had a high-risk pregnancy, fathers of young children, labor and delivery nurses, and healthcare providers. We also conducted in-depth interviews with HTMB coalition members and other key stakeholders. Our researchers presented existing messaging and materials to participants to learn what resonated with each audience. This extensive methodology allowed SUMA researchers to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the key audiences that impact the health of mothers and babies.
The Results

Texas DSHS and HHSC used SUMA’s research to determine optimal message development, content, design, and delivery for preconception, interconception, high-risk pregnancy, and provider messaging that is compelling, resonates with the target audiences, and is presented in an appealing and accessible format.

Our research also maximized the input and engagement of key stakeholders—healthcare providers, professionals, the HTMB initiative’s existing and potential partners, and others—who can support outreach and serve as champions and influencers for community and systems-level improvements.

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