Healthy Amarillo Women
Local Women’s Health Resource Website Development, City of Amarillo Public HealthAccolades
Communicator Awards of Distinction
Websites | General Government
Websites | General Health
- Focus Groups
- Community Outreach
- Brand Creation
- Website Creation
- Print Material Creation
- Program Evaluation
- Presentation of Findings
- Message Testing
- Preconception Women's Health
- Interconception Women's Health
- Birth Defect Prevention
- Preconception Women
- Interconception Women
- Community Stakeholders
- Healthcare Providers
- Spanish Speakers
The Challenge
The City of Amarillo Public Health had a wealth of information regarding pregnancy and postpartum topics, but needed a “one-stop-shop” online to make it easy for women in the area to access this information. And, because Amarillo has a diverse population, the website would need to be available in multiple languages. SUMA created a website with accessible and user-friendly information specific to women’s health, along with links so women can easily find the health resources they need in Amarillo. The website is available in 10 languages, including Spanish, Vietnamese, and Hindi.
The Research
Once the Healthy Amarillo Women website was created, SUMA conducted one-on-one interviews with women in the target audience to test the user interface/experience (UI/UX) and content of the site. After receiving detailed feedback on the design, structure, messaging, and content of the site from interconception Amarillo women, our team made improvements to the site to ensure it would serve the target audience’s needs. The website is now a critical tool for the City of Amarillo Public Health to disseminate women’s health information.
The Results
SUMA has created similar local women’s health resource websites in Waco and Laredo. Healthy Waco Women and Healthy Laredo Women focus on preconception health by promoting the importance of yearly well woman exams. Each website has its own brand identity that reflects and resonates with the community. After learning in focus groups that many 18-25 year old women did not know where they could get a well woman exam in their community, we included pages on these websites that list local providers and show them on an interactive Google Map. SUMA also created support materials that match the website branding to distribute in the community and by local healthcare providers.
Healthy Amarillo Women won two Communicator Awards in 2021: Award of Distinction for Websites – General-Health and Award of Distinction for Websites – General-Government – Local.

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