research + campaigns = behavior changeWe make
come alive
We always listen before we create. We take a deep dive into the stories of our audiences via focus groups, in-depth interviews, user testing, and other creative methodologies to understand attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors. We apply our research findings in creative and practical ways.
Our in-depth research is the foundation for engaging key people and audiences in relevant and persuasive ways.
SUMA offers a wide variety of services to help our clients learn about their audiences, including:

In addition to the 4 P’s of marketing—product, place, price, and promotion—we add 3 P’s: partnerships, programs, and policy. Often, our findings illuminate the need for marketing partnerships, program development or changes, or even public policy advances. To that end, we work with community leaders to put the right tools into the right hands—those who are influential, reliable, and well-positioned to best educate the public about their community’s health and well-being. We identify where our audiences tune in and who they follow, then engage these local influentials. Our user-friendly marketing tools help partners reach specific audiences; and if partners need additional training or technical assistance, we provide that too.