Title V Needs Assessment

Texas Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program


HEMMY Professional Campaign Award
Promising Practice Designation
  • Focus Groups
  • In-Depth Interviews
  • Presentation of Findings
  • Facilitated Meetings
  • Women's Health
  • Children's Health
  • Parents
  • Women
  • Healthcare Providers
The Challenge
In order to receive Title V funding earmarked to improve the health of all mothers, children, and their families, states must submit an application every five years containing the results of a statewide needs assessment. The application must include plans to meet the long-term priorities of the state, with specific activities related to the national performance measures and unique state performance measures developed from the Title V five-year needs assessment.
The Research

SUMA conducted the needs assessment for the Texas Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program, authorized under Title V. We conducted qualitative research through focus groups with key maternal and child health stakeholders and with parents of children with special health-care needs to gather data about resources, access to care, and health needs in their communities. The SUMA research team also facilitated stakeholder meetings with healthcare workers and public health administrators that explored regional needs in maternal and child health. We then distilled these qualitative research findings into a comprehensive, statewide needs assessment.

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